
Taylor Swift Attends Gaza Fundraiser Comedy Show: Megyn Kelly Calls for Boycott

Taylor Swift's recent appearance at a comedy show to raise money for humanitarian aid in Gaza has caused a stir. Megyn Kelly has called for a boycott of the famous singer-songwriter. The event, which was part of Ramy Youssef's "More Feelings" tour, was held at the Brooklyn Academy of Music to raise money for Palestinians who are being hurt by the ongoing war in the Middle East. More questions have been asked about Swift's position on the Israel-Palestine conflict since she was at the show with Selena Gomez and other famous people.

Published by
Shubham Kansal

Megyn Kelly’s Criticism

On her podcast, “The Megyn Kelly Show,” Kelly talked about her worries about Taylor Swift going to the benefit show. She told Swift that she should say sorry to Israelis and Jewish Americans for taking part. After Hamas attacked innocent Israelis on October 7, Kelly said terrible things about the government.

Kelly talked about how Swift has supported the LGBTQ community and women’s rights in the past. She asked Swift if she knew how these groups were treated in Gaza and if they really had the same rights as everyone else. Kelly also raised concerns about the gifts to Gaza, saying that they might help Hamas, the group that carried out the attacks, without meaning to.

Supporters of Swift

When Swift went to the comedy show to raise money for Gaza, her fans spoke out in support of her. They said that Swift’s coming to the event shouldn’t be taken as a support of any political position but rather as a chance to see a show with friends.

The “More Feelings” Tour

There was a comedian named Ramy Youssef, who was nominated for an Emmy, who said that all the money from the “More Feelings” tour would go to American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA). This group helps people in Gaza. The goal of this act is to help the people who are hurting in the area.

The Future of the Tour

The “More Feelings” tour will continue with stops in France, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Canada, and California. Youssef’s promise to give the tour proceeds to help people in need is still a big part of the trip.


Megyn Kelly has called for a boycott of Taylor Swift’s performance at the Gaza fundraiser comedy show, which has caused a lot of debate. People still need to agree on what Swift was trying to do, but it’s important to remember that going to a charity event doesn’t always mean you agree with their politics. The charitable goals of the “More Feelings” trip continue to bring attention to the need for humanitarian aid in Gaza.

People may have different opinions about what Swift did at the event. Still, it’s important to have civil conversations and think about the bigger picture of humanitarian work in war zones.

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Published by
Shubham Kansal